Help on Events



Use this screen to enter details of a new event

  1. Click on "Events" within the menu followed by clicking "Create New" located in the upper left of the page.
  2. Insert the name of the event, click on "Active from date" to access the calendar to insert the date the event will be active from.
  3. Select your time zone and country from the dropdown list.
  4. Click on "Active to date"to access the calendar to insert the date the event will be active to.
  5. Insert your Date/time formats. See moment.js for formatting information.
  6. Enter a despcription of your event, this will appear on the front page of your event and in the map settings.
  7. Select the country the event is located from the dropdown list.
  8. Enter the Participant descriptor, what you call someone for this event e.g. competitor, entrant, racer.
  9. Enter the Route descriptor, how you refer to the route(s) for this event e.g. route, course, track, road.
  10. If you want to show paths for each participant on initial load, check the "Show paths" checkbox.
  11. Devices, Users, Route, Initial locations, Map settings Features, Account & Credit credit card information can be accessed by clicking on "Adventures" within the menu followed by the"Edit" link to the left of your new created adventure.
  12. Change the Join permissions by selecting either Public, URL only, Password required or Private from the dropdown list.
  13. Click on the "Create" to create your event.

Participants, Fields, Route, Marker(s), Map settings, Features, Administrators, Account & Credit credit card information can be accessed by clicking on "Events" within the menu followed by the "Edit" link to the left of your newly created event.

Create Adventures Automatically from Locations





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